Sidari - (Resorts on Corfu)

Graham G           

hiya!! im travelling to sidari on the 14thjuly with my partner. i've heard that the resort is very popular with the homosexual community and we just wondered what bars/clubs would suit our needs!!! many friends of ours frequently visit sidari and they say they feel comfortable and and lack of prejudice helps to achieve this so if any g*y couples/singles visiting at this time that could help us or would like to meet, give us a shout!!!


Sidari - (Resorts on Corfu)

Dr B           

hello, just returned from sidari and was delighted!!! the g*y seen is tremendous and very very friendly. greek resorts are popular with gays as the greeks have an open mind regarding sodomy while other nations still see it as a taboo subject. billies is very popular with g*y coulples/singles but i was shocked to see...well....lets just say, it definitly wasnt a c*mberland in that fellas mouth by the gents toilet!!! above all though had a great time but have to add advoid mcdonalds at all costs!!!!! or risk severe gutrot.... i think sidari's sewage system workers clocked in a few hours of overtime that week!!!

Kavos - (Resorts on Corfu)

Big A           

Just returned from krapos and have to say.... what a disgusting place- nightlife was abosolutely dismal- couldnt get a drink after 3am and only 3 bars worth visiting. I've seen better looking woman in a plane crash and my room (Hotel Assollsliu) resembled a farmyard after a gang of pikeys with dioreah have stayed!! I was so fed up with northern teenagers with 3/4 length shorts, Reebok classics and white socks that i had to take the law into my own hands one night and give 3 chavs a slap and a headcrack! oh, and if you were that dirty little fat minger in the pink dress who was chanting "Finger me A*se" to the tune of Hey Jude at 5am outside my room.... I KNOW WHO YOU ARE