Faros Club - (Bars in Sidari)

Chrissy H           

Faros was wicked! Good promotions, good music. FIT manager!!!! and the PR's deserve a raise, mostly Ross and Emily tho!!! We made sure that we went there every night, the people there were really friendly! Love them all!

Faros Club - (Bars in Sidari)

Chrissy H           

Faros was wicked. we were up there every night as we got free dirinks if we danced on the bar!! me and my mate chrissy are planning on working out there next year so paul if u read this make sure you save two jobs for the two best blaggers u will ever meet (coz we blagged u for free drinks all the time!!) i went out to sidari with four other girls and all five of us thought faros was the best bar/club partly to do wiv the fit manager and fit pr blokes(ross!!) and friendly female staff not to mension kev the barman.