London Bar - (Bars in Kavos)


I'm a bit late writting in here, but I've been back from Kavos for a week and a bit now I'm missing it loads! The London Bar was one of the best Bars around! And I have to agree, John is one of the best looking guys I've ever come across! If anyone knows away I can get a hold of Juliano or Nicky please let me know. Those 2 bar men are absolute ledgens!!! Miss you guys! If you go to Kavos make sure you go to the London Bar, when we got there we went like every night and never got bored! Have fun!

The Beetle Pub - (Bars in Kavos)


HEY!!Im not sure if you PR ppl read these but Lee is one of the best PR ppl! I lost your guys e-mail so if anyone could write the Beetle pubs e-mail i would be forever grateful! i really wana get in touch with them all. Costas you are so funny ( i think jessica 'your wife' is missing you)... Spero im still learning my greek! Lee i'll never forget you and u2 Lucy! All you visting Kavos go the the Beetle bar every night have a Beetle Juice.. down it and you'll have the best nights for only five euros!!lol

London Bar - (Bars in Kavos)


sorry back again..I have to say that London Bar should be 10/10! not 5/10! also spelt legend wrong! oopsi.. if you know how to get in touch with any of the bar staff at London Bar e-mail me at thanx
P.s if the any of the 12 stevenage boys read this get in touch too!!! xx

Bonkers Bar - (Bars in Kavos)


i was gonna write in the Beetle Pub section about Joe but decided that he did change jobs so thought i'd write it in here! Got a few good photos of him,captured his cheeky smile but didnt get to say good bye. :(
ALso dont know what his name was but becareful the PR guy from liverpool carries you into the Bar its fun but a bit scary lol. Have a good time if you go to Kavos, make sure you go all the way up and down the strip xx

Tango Bar - (Bars in Kavos)


Hey! Tango Bar is a good place if you just wanna chill or dance. Wana say James you are such a cool guy no wonder you quit! Dont be a PR for them, they just dont appriciate you!lol
IF any guys that went to Kavos and wore white shirts with names on them and helped a girl take care of her drunken friend by getting her water please contact us. the photo we took of you guys got distroyed! we looked for you every night afterwards to say thanx but we were too drunk so couldnt remember your faces! it was outside the Tango Bar on a friday night/saturday morning so it was like the 9/10 th of july! If you read this you have to remember us we gave you all kisses..!!
e-mail me
P.s Kavos is the place to go.. forget all the bad reports. it all about the night life in Kavos x x

Venue - (Bars in Kavos)


Despite what others have said about Venue, i actually enjoyed myself. When all the Bars close make your way either to venue or Atlantis and you cant go wrong..the music gets you going so you'll be up all night!