Hectors - (Bars in Ipsos)

Louise R           

Hiya all, I need some help, I am part of the OLD crew that worked in Ipsos back in the day of 1994 and summer 1995....I have reason to believe Rick is still there, a rather dishy cockney/essex style blokey! Would love to get in touch with anyone who may know anyone who was working there then!!!! Hector if you are reading this, I have never been able to get the image of you wearing my bra out of my head!!!! Pllllllllleaeeeeeeeeassssssssse if anyone knows what Stu is up to (worked in Domino's Analypsi) post it on here for me, haven't spoken to him for about 8 years.....My name is Lou by the way, and for those of you who may know me I worked in Shakes Dassia, the only place to begin drinking before hitting the strip in some shape or fashion! Look forward to hearing from anyone! Will always love this island!

Hectors - (Bars in Ipsos)

Louise R           


I am bound to know you're face if you worked there in 94/95.....saying that I don't think I had one sobre night at Hectors! ! ! ! Do you know what Stu is doing now? Thinking of going to Corfu next weekend, but am afraid I may not come back ! ! ! !